Monday, March 4, 2013

New Job? Sacre Bleu!

Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been readjusting to my new job.  I'm a new camera operator/footage editor for KRIS and KZTV. (NBC and CBS respectively)

I have to say I'm really enjoying it so far.  Sure, it was a bit of a shock from five years of physical labor at Home Depot to a far more relaxed atmosphere inside a television studio, but I'm definitely not complaining.  Plus. it's kind of cool to get to see a news story long before it comes to your TV screen and get a behind-the-scene look at how it all gets done.  And, despite what Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy tells us, all of the anchors and reporters I've met seem pretty well-adjusted and mellow.

So, long story short, the job's cool and I'm going to try to maintain my "update once a week" policy.  In the meantime, here's one of my favorite songs from Anchorman

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