Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beer School 02-20-13: The Series Finale

Well, as they say, all good things must come to an end. I haven’t mentioned here but I recently was hired for a new job at KRIS (NBC,CBS) to be a camera operator. I’m both crazily excited but nervous as hell as well.

However, there is a price to pay for my new circumstances.

Thanks to the new schedule, I will be no longer able to attend Beer School at the House of Rock anymore (or at least, for the foreseeable future).

So, it was with heavy heart that I attended my final Beer School last night.  However, I did have fun as I invited some friends on Facebook to mark the occasion.  So, I wasn’t crying into my beer like someone who lost his woman in a freak cockfight accident.  In all, I’ll miss you, Beer School. You’ve allowed me to experience new types of beer I’ve probably wouldn’t have heard of.  So thanks for the memories (and free swag) and I hope our paths cross soon.

But enough of that maudlin stuff, this is BEER DAMMIT.  It must be consumed lest it consume you first. (I think Nietzsche said that, I could be wrong though.)

All the beers that were consumed came from Sixpoint Brewery in Brooklyn, New York. They have a peculiar way of selling it as they only come in a four-pack and they come in a box rather than the open carrying case you usually see for most beers.  We only tried five out of the six core beers from Sixpoint but I found out later from the website, we only scratched the surface of the beers they created. Some brews are only made for special events or are “randomly available”.

Crisp - I didn’t notice a particular smell. Taste a bit hoppy but not too much for me to dislike.

Sweet Action - Lives up to its name with a sweet smell.  Very light and smooth with a slight hoppy aftertaste to it.

Brownstone - Has a coffee-like smell and taste, reminds me of a stout or a Hobgoblin dark ale. Plus, its name reminds me of the song by Guns N’ Roses.

Bengali Tiger - A kind of fruity smell.  While it is hoppy, I can add it to the small list of IPA’s I like.

Resin - Smells and tastes like a stronger version of the Bengali Tiger but somehow is not too overpowering for me.

Jacob’s Best O’ the Bunch! - This round’s going to the Brownstone.  If it didn’t have that aftertaste, Sweet Action would’ve made it for sure. But, the taste and smell of Brownstone stayed with me longer and were, overall, a bit more enjoyable.  To celebrate its victory, I offer this song.

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