Monday, December 17, 2012

RealmsCon 2012 Video Cameos

Ah, RealmsCon, you've come a long way.  The first time I went was during High School and it was at the Ramada Hotel.  Now, it's filling the American Bank Center to max capacity.

Imagine this filled with Geeks and Nerds (myself included)
For those wondering what I'm blathering about, RealmsCon is the premier Anime convention of Corpus Christi, TX.  It didn't always used to be an Anime convention.  When I first went, it was more of a Horror/Sci-fi convention with some Comic and Anime thrown in.  I went dressed up as Neo from The Matrix and met Peter Mayhew, the man who played Chewbacca and got Bill Moseley's autograph (Otis from Rob Zombie's The Devil's Rejects)

From what I've heard, and this is just rumor, was that it changed to an anime convention to attract more attendees.  Well, if that's true, it certainly worked as I've never seen so many people at RealmsCon this year in all my years of going.

That being said, a lot of people carried cameras and cell phones, and it was only logical that I would pop out in some videos.  I walked around a lot during the Friday and Saturday of RealmsCon so I knew that I was walking past many video camera, just going along my merry way.

The week after RealmsCon, I was looking on Youtube to see other attendees' videos of the con.  Imagine my surprise when I saw myself wandering around in some.  Some were only blink-and-you'll-miss-it glimpses, but I've found three videos where you can see me more prominently. (The third one especially.  Good God, the third one.)

In case, you're wondering what the hell I'm dressed up as, it's my steampunk character, Jake Cordova: Bounty Hunter.  I'm wearing a white button-up shirt (with sleeves rolled up), red bandana, brown pants with suspenders, wool fingerless gloves, brown cap and welding goggles.  Since my character is the son of a nahual (a type of shaman from Mexico) and because of his conception, he has the legs and tail of a Mexican wolf.  I managed to do this by getting a clip-on tail and a pair of bear feet slippers.  As a prop, I've got a nerf gun converted to look more steampunk-y.

Here's what the costume is supposed to look like thanks to Gaia Dream Avatar

Isn't it beautiful?

At 8:56, you can see me at the far left walk by.  At 9:06, you see me lumber away like Bigfoot.  Overall, the 34:00 + long video does give you a good look at what goes on at the con.

Just photoshop my head and there you go.

Here you can see me at 0:40.  I was waiting in line for a brunch on Saturday and I saw a guy with a large camera come zooming by. Also, the person behind me in the yellow helmet was really into character and was silent the entire time.  She tried to talk to me about my costume using hand gestures.

And now for the big one. Just watch...

This was at a masquerade ball that night when they whipped out the Gangnam Style. What can I say?  It's a fun dance.  The suspenders actually helped me a lot because when I tried to dance to this at my sister's wedding, my pants kept falling.

So that's it for now.  I had a blast and can't wait for next year's RealmsCon.

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