Friday, August 9, 2013

Beer Thoughts 08-09-13

This is a whammy of a Beer Thoughts post as I have nine beers to review, all of them from either HEB or HEB Plus.  Ranging from “I’ve been longing to try this beer” to “This beer sounds so fucked up, I have to try it”, these brews are a motley bunch.  Without further ado, let’s boldly go where I’ve never gone before(Taste-wise that is).

Goose Island Honker’s Ale - Dedicated to my friend, Anthony “Goose Man” Guzman, I try these first two beers.  When opened, it has a dark, but not too overpowering hops smell.  The taste is actually quite smooth and much sweeter than I anticipated for it being labeled a “bitter”.

Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat Ale - As the name suggests, it has a slight wheaty smell when sniffed.  Very smooth taste with a bit of both fruit and wheat flavoring to it. A fine companion beer to the Honker’s Ale.

El Hefe Weizen (No Label Brewing Co.) - The smell is like a stronger version of the Urban Wheat Ale, almost similar to cooked wheat.  The flavor of this beer has a very wheat taste but overall, goes down smooth.  It does have a very slight aftertaste, but not enough to detract it.

Rahr & Sons Texas Red - It has a “dark” but kind of sweet smell, if that makes any sense, like burnt caramel.  Although, there is an aftertaste, its taste reminds me of mocha and is quite delectable to my palate. It reminds almost like a light version of Wychwood Brewery Hobgoblin: Same type of taste but weaker flavor than the Hobgoblin.  

Woodchuck Summer Cider - Brewed with blueberries, this apple cider has a sweet but tart smell.  The blueberries don’t stop at the smell as it has a strong blended flavor of both fruits, making it very sweet and refreshing to boot, something I don’t get with most alcoholic drinks.

Flying Dog UnderDog Atlantic Lager - It doesn’t really have a very particular smell aside from a light hops scent.  I can taste the hops, but rather than give the beer a bitterness, it has a slight fruit flavoring, making it a bit sweeter than expected.

Flying Dog Pearl Necklace Oyster Stout - Remember the beer I said was “so fucked up I have to try it”?  This is that beer. Brewed with actual oysters, this is defiantly one of, if not the strangest beer I’ve ever seen or tried.  It doesn’t smell like seafood, more like a strong coffee smell.  It tastes rather like an ordinary stout, dark and slightly bitter.  However, there is a slight sweet aftertaste, but nothing that tastes of oysters.  Bit of a disappointment as I thought this would be the beer you could dare someone to drink.

Third Shift Amber Lager (Band of Brewers Co.) - Smells a bit sweet, but reminds me of Miller, Bud, etc. (your usual domestic beers)  It’s slightly sweet but altogether, reminds me of Budweiser.  It’s very smooth to drink, though.

Lobo (Pedernales Brewing Co.) - This beer has a strong dark, almost fruity smell.  It has a citrusy taste, but like its smell, it’s a little bitter.  It goes down smooth though with no distinct aftertaste.  Again, like Third Shift, it reminds me of the more standard domestic beers.

Jacob’s Best O’ The Bunch! - I‘m not sure to label this a tie, but of the actual beers, I have to give it to Goose Island Honker’s Ale.  I really should remember the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover” as just because the beer is labeled a “bitter” doesn’t mean it will be bitter.  I was quite surprised at its pleasant taste and will definitely be looking for this one again.  It wasn’t technically a beer, but I have to give this brew props as my other pick for Best O’ The Bunch is Woodchuck Summer Cider.  Like I said before, I don’t usually have my thirst quenched with beer, but this one was very refreshing and would be great to drink on a hot summer day.  Get it while you can before Summer leaves us for another year.         

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