Wednesday, December 21, 2011

An Introduction

Hello, I'm Jacob Flores and this is the first time i've ever started a blog. Basically, this blog, while providing me some practice with my writing, will consist of reviews, or just my thoughts, of movies, books, comics, TV or anything that catches my interest. So I hope you enjoy reading them as I enjoy writing them.

As for the title of my blog, well, if you're a Warhammer 40K fan, you might have an idea. If not, the tagline for the game is "In the Grim Darkness of the future, there is only war..." The setting for the game is often called "grimdark" because a lot of horrible, depressing things happen in the game's backstory.

While I was at my job recently (pushing carts mostly), I thought the tagline for this blog would be "In the Grimdark parking lot, there are only carts...". Your mileage may vary if you thought that was as funny as I did.

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