Thursday, October 3, 2013

Beer Thoughts 10-03-13

Guten Tag, my faithful readers.  It’s October and you know what that means: Oktoberfest!  And you know what Oktoberfest means: Beer!

Lucky Germans...

It’ll be a quick post today as I only have four beers to try courtesy of World Market.  Although I have no German beers to sample, I’m curious about ones I do have.  Particularly, as two of them are fall seasonal beers.  I don’t know about you but Autumn beers tend to taste particularly well in my book.

As the Germans say, Prost!

Kona Brewing Co. Fire Rock Pale Ale - Although the hops scent is strong with this one, I also smell a sweet fruity smell as well.  It has a bitter taste when it hit my tongue.  The aftertaste is not too bad though as it has an almost coffee-like flavor overall.  As I go along, either I’m getting used to the taste or it’s losing its bitterness as it sits.

Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat - The cinnamon-y smell hits your nose quickly upon opening.  Unlike how I usually drink my beers (pop the cap, drink), I actually followed the instructions on the side of the bottom to pour the beer in a glass until ½ inch remains, swish the remains around for a bit then pour into the glass to “release the flavor”.  The spices (cinnamon in particular) in the beer give it a real sweet flavor as it goes down quite smooth. 

Harpoon Brewery UFO Pumpkin - As the name suggests, it has that spiced pumpkin smell to it, reminiscent of a pumpkin pie. Although I was expecting a little more of a spiced kick to it, the taste is overall smooth with only a slight spiced flavoring.  I do like the label design, very appropriate for the season.

Lucky Drink Co. Lucky Buddha - I gotta be honest, this is probably my favorite bottle design ever.  It’d be one thing if they had Buddha on the label but the entire bottle is shaped like Buddha!  Although the beer is brewed in China, the smell reminds me of a Corona or any Mexican beer for that matter.  The beer goes down quite smooth, but it really reminds me of a Corona in taste as well.  There is a slight fruitiness I detect, but just barely.

Jacob’s Best O’ The Bunch! -  Although Lucky Buddha’s bottle design is the best in this bunch (and all the others before it), in terms of actual beer, I have to give it to the Shock Top Pumpkin Wheat.  The sweet taste and smell might make it an autumn staple for me alongside Buffalo Bill’s Brewery Pumpkin Ale and Woodchuck Fall Cider.  

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