Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beer Thoughts 07-03-13

Long time no see!  Sorry for the lack of updates but with real life (and lack of motivation :P) wanting to jump me at every turn, it’s been hard trying to put up a post recently. 

But the show must go on! With nothing but a six-pack from the dark heart of World Market at hand, a keyboard in front of me and a song in my heart, allons-y!

Victory Prima Pils - It has a peppery hops smell to it when opened. Slightly bitter at first taste but goes down smooth.  Strange that when I let sit in my mouth to taste it, it has a strong aftertaste but when I drink it normally, it doesn’t taste as bad.

Alaskan IPA - Has the same smell as the Prima Pils but more mild. Very smooth taste with a bit of a hoppy kick.  (Holy crap, this is a huge milestone as this is the 200th beer I’ve tried! )

Left Hand Brewing Co. Sawtooth Ale - It smells a bit like mocha, sweet but dark. Tastes quite smooth to the taste buds.  It still has a bit of a mocha taste but it’s not overpowering enough to distract the overall smoothness of the beer.

Deschutes Brewery Twilight Summer Ale - Has a very slight hops smell, I had to really put my nose to it in order to smell it. It has a pleasant taste with a fruity smooth flavor. Like the smell, it has a very slight aftertaste as well.

Baja Brewing Co. Cabotella - Despite being a Mexican beer, it doesn’t have the skunky smell that comes with cerevezas, more of a domestic beer smell you get with Miller or Budweiser.  Although it has a light aftertaste, it’s goes down quite easy with a mild flavor.

Blue Moon Agave Nectar Ale - Surprisingly, this one does have the skunky smell I expected with the Cabotella. However, it smells more sweeter than a Corona does.  The agave really stands out in the flavor as it gives a uniquely sweet taste to the beer.

Jacob’s Best O’ the Bunch! - I’m going to have to let Sawtooth Ale take the award as I was really fond of the dark mocha flavor it had over the others. It had the right balance of flavor that went beyond my expectations. But the Agave Nectar Ale and Alaskan IPA both take a close second as they both had a unique taste I never tried before with other beers.

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