Sunday, April 14, 2013

Beer Thoughts 04/14/13

Hey, sorry about the lack of updates.  Work’s been keeping me busy since last week and I was under the weather the week before that.  But now, I return and have brought back a bounty of new beers with me from World Market!

Onwards, Lads and Lasses! To inebriety!


Tona - This beer from Nicaragua hast the typical “cerveza” smell and taste like Corona or Modelo with a slightly more darker taste akin to an English dark ale.  Pretty good since I’m a fan of beers south of the border.


 Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye IPA - It has a spicy hop smell when opened.  Very strong hoppy taste at first but seems to lessen when left sitting.  It has a bitter aftertaste, though.

Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier - Although it looks like I smashed my fingers on the keyboard, this beer (and long name) is from Germany. Has a smoky kind of smell to it.  I’m not sure why but its taste reminds me of BBQ at first. Taste becomes smoother and less “BBQ-y” as it sits.  (Fun Fact:  According to the bottle and website, Weihenstephaner is the world’s oldest brewery, founded in 1040 A.D.)

Shiner Premium Beer - A wheat-y smell to it when first opened, very pleasant.  Very smooth taste with no aftertaste.  Though to be truthful, it doesn’t taste particularly different from a regular Shiner Bock. (After some research, I've found out that this is merely the new name for Shiner Blonde. Deceived again!)
Milk Stout Nitro - It has a rich mocha scent, very much like coffee.  Smooth at first but the coffee taste kicks in strongly after.  While it does have a bit of a bitter aftertaste, it’s not too overpowering.  I’m not sure if it was letting it sit or my mouth got used to the taste but it tasted more smoother and less bitter after a while. (Another milestone, this is the 190th beer I’ve tried!)


Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat - Very sweet apple scent when opened, probably one of the more pleasant smelling beers I’ve encountered.  Tastes very similar to a hard cider and smooth all the way down with nearly no aftertaste at all.

Jacob’s Best O’ the Bunch! - I’ll admit I was a bit biased with this lot but it’ll have to go to the Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat.  I had been looking forward to this one ever since I first saw it and, boy, it didn’t disappoint.  It had exactly the right amount of sweetness I was expecting with this flavor.  Even if one isn’t a beer drinker, I’d imagine you could pick this beer up without any trouble to your taste buds. 

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