Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Beer School 11-21-12

Once again, The third Wednesday of November has come and that means another session of Beer School at the House of Rock!  This time was a bit different as all of the beers were from Abita Beers in Louisiana.  As last time, I wrote down quick notes about what I thought about the beers.

Abita Amber - Has a sweet smell and tastes a bit like caramel. Smooth to drink

Abita Pecan Harvest Ale - Similar to the amber beer but has a very sweet pecan taste to it.

Abita Restoration Pale Ale - Has that sour-ish citrus smell pale ales usually have.  Not a fan of pale ales but this one of the few that doesn't taste that bad (Fun Fact: After the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina, Abita Brewery created this beer. Every case of Restoration Pale ale donates money to the Louisiana Disaster Relief.)

Abita Turbodog - Has slight chocolatey smell and taste.  Despite dark coloring is not very bitter at all.

Abita Purple Haze - Very fruity smell. taste smooth but has a raspberry aftertaste.  Not an overpowering aftertaste though, a sweet-tasting beer.

Abita Fall Fest - Again, tastes very similar to the Amber but has a more spiced taste to it

Now, I'm going to start doing a new feature with these beer posts; pick out the best of the new beers I've tried and see which one is:

Jacob's Best O' the Bunch! - By a slight margin, my favorite was the Abita Pecan Harvest Ale.  Like I said, it tasted very similar to the Amber, but I preferred that sweeter pecan taste it had.


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